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With JVL´s windows-based programming tool, MotoWare, it is easy to program your motor controller.

MotoWare allows you to easily edit one or several control programs simultaneously. Each program is saved in a separate file which can be opened and edited as required.
Once a program has been written, it can be easily transferred to a Controller.
The Controller type, Controller address and whether checksum is to be used during transmission are selected. The [Send] button is then selected and the control program is transferred in the correct format to the selected controller.
MotoWare is available in two versions:
MotoWare: A 16-bit version used together with SMC2x-30, DMC10, AMC1x and Trimatic controllers.
MotoWare32: A 32-bit version used together with SMI3x, SMC35 and AMC2x.




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