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More Information about SMI30 and SMI31

The Indexers generate a pulse train to a servo or step motor driver. This pulse train controls the speed and position of the connected motor. The speed, acceleration, deceleration and distance travelled can be controlled by single commands received via the RS232/485 or from the program that has been downloaded.
The indexers are equipped with 8 general pupose outputs. These can be configured, for example, to give a ready signal when the motor has reached its desired position, or an error signal if an obstruction occurs that prevents motor operation.
All general purpose inputs and outputs are optically isolated and protected against overloads.
Description Supply Min. Typ. Max. Units
Supply Voltage 10   30 VDC
Power Consumption     3 W
Driver Connector        
Output Level (CLK;DIR) 0   5 V
Pulse frequency 0   2 MHz
User Inputs        
Input Impedance   1,5   kOhm
Logic "0" -1   2,5 VDC
Logic "1" 4,5   30 VDC
User Outputs        
Supply Voltage 6   28 VDC
Loaded Current     250 mADC
Analogue Input        
Input Voltage (nom) 0   5 mADC
Input Impedance   10   kOhm
Operating Temp. 0   45 °C
Weight   500   g

Example of program:
WAIT IN1 = 1 ;Wait for Input1
OUT1 = 1 ;Activate Output1
SR = 10 000 ;Run motor 10 000 pulses
WAIT RS = 0 ;Wait for motor stopped
OUT1 = 0 ;Clear Output1
D = 100 ;Pause 1 sec.
J0 ;Jump to beginning of program

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