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Italian Art controlled by MAC Motors

8 MAC800 Motors control dynamic Art in Rome

JVL A/S is proud of the fact that we have now also helped to bring a piece of art to life. The work came into being in Rome, where artist architect Silvana De Stefano was selected to decorate a plaza at the large Finmeccanica Palace, owned by the company Finmeccanica, in the centre of Rome.

Finmeccanica is one of the largest Italian industrial groups and works in the fields of aerospace, defence and security. The Finmeccanica Group is based in Italy and the U.K., and has extensive production facilities in the rest of Europe and the USA. The Group has a total workforce of some 56,000 people and an annual turnover of around 12 billion Euro.

The artwork consists of 2 internally illuminated spheres that move up and down and backwards and forwards as illustrated in the schematic below. Each sphere is suspended by a thin steel wire and is moved by 4 MAC800 motors.
With coordinated movement of each sphere in 4 directions interesting dynamics can be created, especially in the evening when the spheres are illuminated.

In their use of JVL’s MAC800s, the constructors emphasised the major advantages as decentralisation of intelligence to the motor itself and the benefits of a plug and play system. Linearity in the speed of the motors was also highlighted.
Finmeccanica´s building in Rome
The completed work of art
Scematic of control of one of the spheres
Two of the installed MAC800 motors

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